Your Practical Flight Test w/FAA DPE Luke E. Closson, Jr.

Please Read Everything BEFORE Completing the Form Below

(SEE BELOW for instructions)

Click HERE for Checkride Fees and Payment Options

WHO should complete this form?

Preferably the Applicant's recommending Certified Flight Instruction (CFI) should complete this form although it may be helpful for the Applicant and CFI to complete the form together.


Almost every element of this form will be used by your Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE) to obtain Pre-Approval in the FAA's Designee Management System (DMS). The FAA has some extremely detailed rules, especially with regards to how your name is documented on various documents and systems.

  1. Please be VERY precise in completing this form - If you don't comply with following -- THE DPE WILL CANCEL YOUR CHECK-RIDE.
  2. NAME: Your name MUST be PERFECTLY IDENTICAL on EVERY document you present to the DPE and must match what is entered on the IACRA 8710.
    1. FAA requires your name in IACRA 8710 must PERFECTLY MATCH the name on your Pilot Certificate, Medical Certificate, Knowledge Test Results Page and your Government Issued Identification - If all of these do not match, the FAA will not permit the DPE to complete the check-ride!
    2. Example #1- If a middle initial is used on one document and middle name is spelled out on another --- The documents do not PERFECTLY MATCH
    3. Example #2 - If a suffix is included on one document and omitted on another document --- The documents do not PERFECTLY MATCH
  3. AIRCRAFT: Use the exact model number of the aircraft you will be using for your test (i.e. If using Cessna 172S, do not just input "Cessna 172", entry must include EXACT aircraft type and model and both IACRA 8710 and below form MUST BE IDENTICAL -- Hint: Cessna is "CE" not "C" so CE-172S NOT C-172S)

WHEN should this form be completed?

This form should only be completed AFTER you have pre-coordinated a date, time and location for the practical test for the Applicant with the DPE. Please make note of the following:

  1. Do not complete the form below UNTIL directed to by the DPE. This form DOES NOT schedule the Applicant for a practical test, it only provides the necessary information for the DPE to complete FAA REQUIRED PRE-APPROVAL in the FAA's Designee Management System (DMS).
  2. The DPE will use the information provided in this form to request Pre-Approval from the FAA in DMS.
  3. The form below MUST be filled out COMPLETELY at least 48hrs prior to your scheduled practical test. The DPE is required to submit for pre-approval on DMS a minimum of 24-hours prior to the Applicant's scheduled practical test. Failure to submit this form within 48hrs of your scheduled practical test may result in your practical test being cancelled automatically because the DPE will be unable to obtain required Pre-Approval from the FAA.
  4. If your test is scheduled for a Monday, you must complete this form no later than close of business the Thursday prior to ensure the DPE has sufficient time to obtain pre-approval in DMS.
  5. YOU MUST UPLOAD SEVERAL DOCUMENTS WHEN COMPLETING THIS FORM. You are required to upload the following documents while completing this form - I recommend scanning each of the following documents separately PRIOR TO completing the form (PDF preferred but not mandatory):
    1. Front and back of your FAA Certificate
    2. Copy of your Recommending CFI's Checkride Endorsements
    3. Copy of your training school certificate (If attend 141 or 142 Approved Training School)
    4. Copy of your CURRENT FAA Medical Certificate
    5. Copy of your FAA Knowledge Test Score
    6. Front and back of a Government Issued ID

the Applicant's 8710 on IACRA has been electronically signed

The FINAL APPROACH to your Check-Ride (i.e. Tips from your DPE)


  1. Be sure the Applicant reviews the Applicant's Checklist in the appropriate PTS/ACS.
  2. Be sure the Applicant BRINGS all the required documents and equipment to the check-ride.
  3. ALL Charts, App plates MUST be current!


  1. Applicant must bring ACTUAL Aircraft Logbooks
  2. Applicant must be prepared to prove Annual Inspection, 100 hour (if required) ELT, XPDR-static-pitot

Be sure Applicant arrives with following information

  1. Applicant's FTN Number
  2. Applicant's IACRA User Name
  3. Applicant's IACRA Password

Practical Test Confirmation

Your Practical Test IS NOT CONFIRMED unless and until you have received an e-mail confirming the test is CONFIRMED

Contacting DPE

If you need to cancel your scheduled practical test for any reason such as weather, aircraft maintenance issues, illness, etc. - Please contact the DPE, Mr. Luke Closson at either of the following numbers as soon as practical.

Office - (229) 244-7171 (Monday - Friday / 8am-5pm) - Voice Only

Cell - (229) 503-4221 (Please call or text, DO NOT leave VoiceMail) - When texting...PLEASE include your name in every text message

If your Flight Test is at Quitman-Brooks County (4J5) - Taxi towards the rotating beacon and wind sock and look for the hangar marked "Aero Tech Services" (see photo below).